Sunday, August 22, 2010

13.1 Minneapolis

After a summer of reasonably tough training, I managed a half-marathon PR (personal record: 1:52:04...5 minutes faster than my spring half marathon- 1:57:24) this morning in Minneapolis!  Hooray.  I don't want to yammer on too much about the run, but it is worth mentioning on this blog because Mike is truly my number one fan.  Not only did he get up at quarter to six on Sunday morning to drive me to the race, he also managed to cheer for me at five points during the 13.1 miles.  Record-breaking husband material, right there folks. 

Here's some clips from the big morning:

Crossing the finish!

Festivities at the finish line:

1 comment:

  1. This blog post was amazing! I love Mike's videos and commentaries! Molly, congrats on the PR! That's so, so amazing!
